Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tribute to my Friends and “Enemies” (Part 8)


I’m thankful to my contractors who believed and trusted me. I may not remember all of them but from 1988 to 2002, please forgive me if I failed to include you in this list:

Tita Sylvia, Olive and Bea for Goulbourn, George Salud for Kirei, Elite Garments & Fashion Apparel for 22BC, Ensembles, Krizia, MARIKO for Sari-Sari and Dalagita, Rana’s Manufacturing for Georgetown, Marj for her company/school uniform projects, Lourdes Ong, Gap, Jordache, Ann Taylor, Macy’s, Sew-Fine Apparel, Supreme Garments, and Julia’s Collection.


When I was still single, I only maintained a workforce of around 10 to 13. We were like one big happy family. But when my EX took over, he transferred to a 3–storey building and employed 40-45 workers. I still see some of my original staff and sewers from time to time. I wish them well. 


How I miss talking with my customers! One of them was Mimi, when she took her Residency at Perpetual Help Hospital. Mimi visited me whenever she had the time and we would just chat and laugh our cares away.