Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Just with the blink of an eye, January 2025 is almost over! With all the fuzz and the buzz of the Christmas Season festivities, we did not even have the time to pause and reflect what transpired in 2024. What made us jubilant, what brought us down. What were the lessons learned?

Join me as we go back in time to feel once again the happy moments, the priceless memories, the painful experiences. If your life in 2024 were to be documented in a movie, what would it be like? Would it be hopelessly Romantic? Heart-pumping thriller? Feel-good comedy? Tear-jerking drama? Or would it be close to a Multi-awarded Variety show? Hoping it won’t be a gripping Suspense/Horror movie!

Close your eyes and bask in the silence of your heart. Reminisce as far as you can.

In a nutshell, my 2024 was explosive!

Top of my List is something I still could NOT believe I did: Riding the plane 17 times last year—13X with my son Gio and 4X with my daughter Eia.

To be continued . .