Monday, July 22, 2024


 At 65, I conquered LUNETA TO TAGAYTAY 60km ULTRAMARATHON with the addition of YOGA in my training program. Initially, I was just there to bond with my only son, thinking that I was too old to practice yoga. But Coach Emy was patient enough to show mercy on me heheheh . . ,

In running, you get a different kind of high when you “fly” but after that, you endure the pains in your thighs, knees, legs and feet. The opposite is true with yoga. While doing the different poses, you endure the pains all over your body but after that, your whole body feels incredibly light and you sleep soundly through the night free from all cares in the world.

You wake up the following morning miraculously refreshed and rejuvenated. You notice you have become stronger and face the day’s activities with more ease. 

The day will come when I have to give up running races but I will definitely practice yoga for as long as I live. I have full trust and confidence in Coach Emy’s ability to devise a specialized FLOW SEQUENCE plan for pre-centenarians!

(Thanks for dropping by. You may chat with me via Messenger or reach me at Stay safe everyone!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Hold On To Hope

Bro Bo Sanchez described 2 extremely opposing ways of dealing with sadness. In the first scenario, a person quickly dismisses sadness as if it is a contagious disease and pretends that it never existed. Dedma lang. In the second scenario, people nurture sadness and become so comfortable with it that it now defines who they are. At times, in the attempt of evading sadness, we tend to overwork or overeat. At the other spectrum, we make sadness our home and through time, we get used to people’s sympathy over our pitiful state.

But how should sadness be confronted?

For the first time, I heard that sadness enters our lives for a certain purpose. If we just brush it off, we are not allowing it to serve its purpose. We have to feel sadness. And we have to feel it in the presence of God. Only when we feel sadness that we find the meaning behind this dreadful emotion. Thus, ignoring it will not lead us to making the right decisions in our lives. 

We seek God’s guidance to take us out from the dark. This is the time that we should hold on to hope. Hope that things will be better for us. When we don’t feel sadness in the presence of God, it is very easy to lose hope and succumb to despair and desolation. Personally, I believe that the greatest among these three— Faith, Hope and Love—is HOPE. Without hope we can lose our faith and hinder our ability to love.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

More Protein, Lass Carbs

While I highly admire those who advocate No-Carbs Diet, I am personally not cool to practice it.

Diets come and go but a healthy lifestyle will stay with you forever.

Based from my whirlwind sets of hits and miss on my perennial obsession to lose weight, I can scientifically deduce 2 things:

1. Eat more protein, less carbs AND

2. Do the # 1 principle 80% of the time.

Yup! Give yourself a little slack. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You don’t have to stick to healthy foods every second every single day of your waking life. 100% is impossible but 80% is definitely doable.

If you are like me who will go amok if I miss my dessert after meals, eating less carbs seem impossible. But it is actually NOT impossible. All it takes is sheer determination, unwavering perseverance and relentless commitment (hahahah . . .).

Seiously, here are some tips:

1. Instead of eating heaps of rice, settle for 1/2 cup. Do the downgrading very slowly so you won’t even notice the change. What I did was the opposite though. I completely abandoned rice but that gave me the “reason” to eat sweets. So now I am back to eating rice but limited to 1/4 - 1/2 cup and decreased sweets instead.

2. Try mixed nuts instead of sweets for dessert.

3. I used to eat 3 different types of chocolates after meals (which baffled my only son) but have reduced it to only 1 or none at all.

4. If you cannot live without junk food, try to remove them from your pantry and see for yourself if you will indeed die. If you survive, then don’t return them back anymore.

5. Always include protein in every meal. Filipinos (or is it only me?) have this nasty habit of putting pansit (noodles) inside a pandesal (bun) or turning it into a sandwich. Some people I know even eat pansit with rice! Normally, we eat more Carbs than Protein. So how do we shift to more protein and less carbs? Well, you can include 1 egg everyday for breakfast. For lunch, instead of 1 cup rice and 1/2 fish, eat 1/2 cup rice and 1 whole fish (as big as your hand). For snacks, have a peanut butter sandwich instead of donut. For dinner, have meat instead of pasta. Or tuna sandwich with lettuce.

6. Develop the habit of brushing your teeth immediately after eating. That will hopefully prevent you from eating dessert. If you regularly do this, then the only chance that you will eat sweets would be during snack time. Not bad at all.

7. Reschedule eating your dessert at snack time. That way, you reduce your sweets into just 1 instead of 4.

8. Instead of junk food, stock your pantry with cans of tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines. They will serve you well during those days that you still lack protein in your food intake.

9. You know my first love: Coke. I struggled shifting from Coke Regular to Coke Zero but after one year, I finally got the hang of it. If a Certified True Coke Addict like me can do it, YOU CAN TOO!

10. San Miguel Pale Pilsen is my second love. It took me a while to divorce it but I won in the end. I now patronize San Mig Zero.

(Thanks for still dropping by my blog inspite of my consistent irregularity. Stay safe everyone!)

Saturday, March 9, 2024


Today, March 9, 2024 is the day that I officially start a new adventure in my life.

From hereon, I will be facing life’s challenges without Ate Ella by my side.

After 24 years, the day has finally come for Ate Ella to be reunited with her own family in the States.

She has been with our family ever since Eia was born. Accompanying me to Eia’s various therapies, medical consultations, laboratory tests, healing masses, special schools, DSAPI (Down Syndrome Assn of the Phils Inc) activities, etc. Eia wouldn’t be as “normal” as she is now if not for her.

She has been the Wind Beneath My Wings for the past 24 years. I couldn’t have escaped from my husband with 2 children in tow without her. 

Ate Ella has been with me through the ups and downs  of my colorful life. In every season, she’s always been there to accompany me in my journey. We laughed and cried together. Shared our joys and pains. Evaded traffic enforcers together. She supported my ambitious goals and dreams, crazy as they were. How am I supposed to live without her now?

Is this really goodbye or is our parting only temporary?

I wish and pray that we will still be together again someday and I will find her cheering for me in jubilation at the 100km Ultramarathon FinishLine heheheh . . .

(I apologize for my long absence. Had to cope with 3 tragedies that struck my family. You may get in touch with me via Messenger or thru Stay safe everyone!)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Weird But True

 I did 16:8 Intermittent Fasting for 6 consecutive months and I only lost 2-3 lbs.

Then I received the best advice ever from Coach Omar of BetterMe . . . Take a DIET BREAK!

And so I did. No diet for almost 2 months, ending on my 65th birthday.

Result? I gained back the 3 lbs. I lost which was understandable, given all the unhealthy foods that I feasted on.

Then back to serious calorie counting without Intermittent Fasting. For almost a month, I diligently weighed every single food before it entered my stomach then input them in the Calorie Counter of BetterMe App. When I could already estimate the amount of calories of what I am about to digest, I ditched the food scale but continued to monitor my calories by gut feel.

Last Saturday, I indulged myself with the sumptuous finger foods after my godson’s Concert, including the mouth-watering panna cotta, brownies and blueberry cheesecake. I slept at night regretting why I allowed myself to eat 3 different kinds of dessert when I could only choose 1. Imagine my surprise when I weighed myself in the morning. I lost 2 lbs!

Last Sunday, I ran 19 km in the morning. In the afternoon, I ate 2 slices of square-cut pizza, thinking that it would not affect my weight because of the 19 km that I ran. Well, I was wrong. The following day, I gained 1 lb huhuhu...

Then yesterday, the Olongapo group formerly managed by my dear mother visited her bringing with them a humongous bilao of pansit palabok, grapes, buko pie and cassava cake. Did I gain weight? Nope. After all the eating I did yesterday, I miraculously reached my target weight!

It has been 5 months. During those days that I thought I would gain weight, I actually lost some pounds. And during those days that I thought I would maintain my weight, I sadly gained.

Weird but true.

I lost 7 lbs. without Intermittent Fasting but followed the 80-20 principle: 80% healthy choices and the 20% whatever I want—healthy or not. I delight in sweets, chocolate, chicharon, pasta, pizza, lechon. I used to eat without rice but I am now back eating rice though only 1/4 to 1/2 cup per day.

As for my favorite SanMig Zero, Omar wanted me to give it up but I promised him I would only drink 1 bottle per week. So last September during our Unlimited Lunch Buffet when I consumed 8 glasses of draft beer, I had to wait 8 weeks before I reunite with my favorite SanMig Zero.

It is common belief that losing the last 5 lbs. is the most difficult phase in anyone’s weightloss journey. It is certainly stressful and nerve-wrecking when you hit that formidable plateau. With so many options available, you need to be very patient to finally find the most suitable plan for you. It may take years but it’s definitely worth it.

Good luck!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Life Is Short

It has been 11 years since my dear Tatay (father) left us. The pain is now lessened but I still cry at times when I think of him.

Life is short. Love your parents to the fullest. Kiss and hug them while you still can. Forgive them of their shortcomings and accept them for what they are. Make them feel how grateful you are for being their child. When their memory fades, gently remind them of the things they have forgotten. If they still fail to remember, be patient and understand that it’s not their fault. They did not choose to lose their memory. Create new lovely memories with them. 

They carried you in their arms and cared for you when you were helpless and couldn’t do anything on your own. Took pride in your achievements and success. Consoled you in your failures and disappointments. They always believed in you even when you didn’t know yourself. Now that they don’t know themselves anymore, just letting them feel that they are truly loved would be enough for them to find meaning for their existence.

My dear Tatay remembered everything until he breathed his last. He was 88 then. On the contrary, my mother only remembers her Midwifery Board Exam score of 99% heheheh... She is now 89 and sadly dealing with signs of Dementia. She has agreed to consult a Neurologist and hopefully, things will be better. If not, we are ready to face this Challenge. So help us God.

(You may reach me at ndelr or via Messenger. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe everyone!)

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Unbelievably Strange

For the past 30 days, this blog has been unbelievably read in Israel more than in the US and in the Philippines and in all other countries in the world with the exception of Singapore. How did that happen?

Strange isn’t it? It is something my simple mind cannot fully comprehend. Unfathomable indeed!

God is probably sending me a message. Please join me in prayer to end the Israel-Hamas War. Let there be peace. AMEN.