Only 3 days left before our Luneta to Tagaytay 60km Ultramarathon (which is actually 65.5km huhuhu....)
Today happened to be Ash Wednesday. For us Catholics, it is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat or your favorite food.
For someone who fasts everyday, how can this day be more meaningful?
Well, I plan to do the following:
1. No Coke until 12 midnight.
2. No solid meal until 12 midnight.
3. No sweets in any form.
Father Elmer suggested that we abstain from taking our favorite food/drink for the whole 40 days of Lent then we offer our savings derived from our abstinence on Easter Sunday.
For non-Catholics, think of it as killing 2 birds in 1 stone. You get to cleanse/detoxify your body and in the end, donate to a Charity you deeply love from the money you saved.