Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What Time Is It?

A former Elementary admirer recently asked me why I was still working when I should be relaxing already.

I am almost 63 but working still.  Not because I want to but because I need to.  When laziness creeps in, I turn to this reminder I made during one of those days when I just wanted to surrender and give up (and wished that God bless me with a darling hubby who would provide for our family hahahah  .  .  .  ).

My reminder says:


There will come a time when you will no longer need to actively work inorder to earn money.  You may still work but not because you need to, but because you want to. That day will come when you can just relax the whole day watching Kissasian.sh (Netfix to some) and passive income will still come pouring in.  There will ccme a time when you will no longer need to be stringent with your household budget because your earnings will outlive even your children’s or dependents’  life spans.

But that time is NOT now.

Today you work hard.  

Serve your clients’ needs with passion, love and diligence.

Expand your comfort zone.

Broaden your territory.

Maximize your side hustle.

Constantly search for investment opportunities.

Find more ways to grow your finances.

Now is NOT the time to relax.

Now is the time to work really hard.


How about you?  If you re-examine your life now, is it time to pause or time to pivot?  Is it time to relax or time to work hard?  Do you recklessly spend in your spare time instead of finding ways to earn more?

(Thanks for dropping by my blog.  Feel free to send your comments or reactions via Messenger or to ndelr62@gmail.com.  Stay safe everyone!)