Much as I wanted to run in the heavy rains, I still opt to stay indoors for the pursuit of self-preservation rather than the pursuit of my happiness. Now, let's see. It's 10 months to go before our 5k fun run and we are stuck inside the perimeters of our homes (or offices if you're not a full-time mother like me) because of the storm. I can't run on the treadmill because I don't have one, but below are some activities we could do while waiting for the sun to come out.
1. Strength train using dumb bells or crunch ball or resistance ball. Unless you've been strength training for the past year or more, never use all of these at the same time. Pick only one. And do it every other day to allow our muscles to relax. For a more detailed explanation why we need to strength train, you may visit
2. Pedal your stationary bike which you have been neglecting for a long time now (I sure am guilty of this) for 15-30 minutes.
3. Walk/run up and down the stairs for 30 minutes. Be sure the steps are not too shiny to avoid slipping.
4. Jump rope. Alone or with your 2 kids.
5. Hula hoop. I do 500 rounds to the right and 500 to the left.
6. Stretching/Flexibility Exercises
7. Sitting exercises (while watching your favorite TV show)
8. Dance the disco, cha-cha or whatever
9. Sweat it out with your favorite exercise video. Mine is Aerokaebo--a combination of aerobics, karate and boxing.
10. If you don't have an exercise video, there's two at Solar Sports channel every 6:00 AM and 6:30 AM.
So there. We don't have to skip our training just because it's raining mad outside. Good luck to all of us!