Monday, February 10, 2025

Why Forgive?

 Let’s face it. When we are deeply hurt, we cannot find in our hearts to forgive the persons responsible for our misery. We are just humans after all. We recklessly cling to our anger, bitterness and resentments for as long as we possibly can. We couldn’t stop thinking of how we could take our revenge. We even wish that lightning strikes at them thrice. Or the ground they are trodding on suddenly breaks and swallow them whole.

While it is totally true that time heals all wounds, only time will tell when the lingering pain will stop—unless you deliberately put an end to it. You have the power in you to make it happen. When you hold on to negative emotions, you are actually punishing your own self. This kind of stress may unfortunately lead to a higher blood pressure and worse, a fatal heart attack.

Let go of everything that makes you boil inside. Be kind to yourself. Forgiving others doesn’t mean you have to be lovey-dovey with them. At the very least, free yourself of negative thoughts towards them. Then ask God to bless them instead of cursing them. Whether they ask forgiveness or not, forgive them anyway. Be responsible for your own actions and emotions.

Do yourself a favor. Choose happiness. Choose to forgive.

(Thanks for dropping by. Your comments/reactions are important to me. You may email them at Stay safe everyone!)


Sunday, February 9, 2025


Do you harbor some regrets in your life? I have a few and the passing of my dear cousin last Decemer triggered one of them. I should have previously dropped everything and rushed to the hospital when I could still talk and laugh with him. For days, I cried because I was thousand of miles away when he died and couldn’t visit his wake. I was so afraid that by the time I get back in the Phils, it would be too late.

But truly, God works in very mysterious ways.  Gil’s burial was postponed and I was able to say my proper goodbye to him. His wife and sons were relieved to see me before he was laid to his final rest. We buried him on the very morning that I arrived. So grateful that our flight was not delayed and we touched down as scheduled. 

To be continued . . .

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Gio and I started our yoga practice January of 2023. Randomly, Eia would go with us and observe. But whenever I encourage her to join us, she would automatically affirm that she didn’t want.

Then sometime last year, Gio had to skip yoga for the physical therapy of his painful shoulder. Eia just watched me leaving the house alone for yoga practice.

Without any prodding from me, Eia simply declared one day that she will go with me to yoga.  And so, the two of us attended our yoga class without Gio until my son was finally discharged from his physical therapy.

Now, the three of us get to bond together by practicing yoga as one, happy family. Isn’t that amazing? Life is great!

To be continued . . .

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 One fine night, my son Gio unexpectedly asked me “would you be willing to accompany me in a 4k race?” I hid my excitement and replied “of course I would be more than willing. But isn’t there a longer distance, perhaps a 10k?” My son immediately informed me that there was only 1 category and no other options.

A few minutes later, he asked for my Credit Card. To my bewilderment, we were joining the Pokemon Run in Taiwan! Too late to back out now. I already consented to his wish.

And so we flew to Taiwan and arrived late at night. Woke up the following day and walked 4.5km to the venue. A festive atmosphere filled the grounds, families with babies, toddlers and children enjoying the Pokemon-inspired exhibits.

I will spare you with the details and go directly to the gist of this story.

We headed to the airport in the afternoon, boarded the plane and arrived late at night in Vietnam.

We again boarded the plane in the morning and headed to Bali, where we stayed for 2 nights. In going back to Manila, we stopped over first in Singapore.

So to summarize, we flew to 5 countries in 5 days. This may be a natural occurrence to some people but definitely NOT with me! 

To be continued . . .

Sunday, February 2, 2025


My mother has always been athletic. She was a volleyball spiker in her teens. A tennis player in her twenties. A golfer in her thirties. A bowler in her forties. And she did not just play for recreation. She religiously trained and played to win in competitions, usually reaching the Championships.

I have often wondered where she got all that energy, when she barely eats! She has no favorite food and her motto is “I only eat inorder to live.” Yup. That is my mother—eating only so she could perform her daily activities. She doesn’t eat junk foods nor drink alcohol. A little rice and lots of veggies used to be her food staple.

When people ask her what is her secret for maintaining her 36-27-36 figure she would answer in jest “I cannot maintain my production so I just maintain my figure”. When interviewed what is her secret for not having any maintenance meds, she would boastfully reply—“I am NOT a car. I don’t need maintenance. Just have enough food, enough sleep, enough exercise, enough rest, enough stress, and enough money to last a lifetime.”

My mother is the epitome of clean, healthy living. Yet she could not escape the illness that flows through the veins of her lineage. Last year, she was medically diagnosed to have Alzheimer’s Disease. (My tears are flowing while I am writing this.)

With her failing memory, she instructed me to invite anyone who was still excited to see her on her 90th birthday. Attended by 120 friends, relatives, former Philamlifers, MarbeleƱos, villagemates, her birthday bash was a Reunion of sorts. Filled with laughter and tears, it was an event no other.

To be continued . . .

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


My daughter Eia accompanied me to the HOLD (Handmaids Of the Lord) International Conference in Cebu. But prior to that, we explored the beautiful spots in Bohol. Together with Sister Luming and her only son Jay, we stayed overnight in one of the beach resorts in Panglao. 

We had the weirdest experience in Panglao. We were in the Philippines but it seemed we were in a foreign land because we were the only Filipinos there! We felt like foreigners in our country. But you go anywhere in Tokyo and you will most likely bump into a fellow Filipino. It just feels like home.

All my fears about Eia attending the Conference were unfounded. She miraculously did not exhibit any mood swings and was in fact more behaved than the other Handmaids sisters. For 3 days she listened intently to the speakers without falling asleep, sang and danced during the PraiseFest, ate whatever food given to us, walked without qualms from our Hotel to the venue, whispered gently to my ears if she wanted to visit the Restroom, actively participated in the set activities. Eia has Down Syndrome with Bipolar Disorder but blended beautifully among my Handmaids sisters during the Conference!

To be continued . . .

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Tribute To My First Love

 Today is the 67th birthday of my First Love. I am talking about a real person—not Coca-Cola, which I loosely refer to as my “First Love”.

I was 9 when I wrote in my diary that I would never marry anyone except this guy who gave me the reason to go to school every morning. We were in 3rd Grade when he transferred from Iloilo to our school.

You see I was bullied since Grade 1. By someone untouchable in our school—the son of our Principal. There were days when I would drag my feet to go to school when I already anticipated what will happen in class. It has always been the same troublesome scenario. This boy would tirelessly tease me to death that I begged my mother to enroll me in Judo-Karate so I could beat him mercilessly heheheh . . .

Everything changed when the boy from Iloilo joined our class. I would jump out of bed in excitement to see him. My attention was diverted to him and nothing else mattered anymore. He turned my world from dull grey to flaming red, sunny yellow, cool blue, refreshing green and huggable pink! Whenever he speaks and call my name, it was beautiful music to my ears.

To my First Love, thank you for adding spice and color to my young life. I thank God that we are still friends until now. I wish you good health, loving family, true friends, profitable business and personal peace. Enjoy your birthday celebration!

(For reactions/comments, you may email me at Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe!)