Saturday, March 22, 2025

2024 HIGHLIGHTS: Part 10

 This rundown of 2024 Highlights should have ended in January but March is almost over and I haven’t listed everything yet. Well, as our Grade School teacher used to babble, “finished or not, pass your papers”. So I will end this recollection here and now. No IFs and definitely no BUTs.

As you may have noticed, the sequence of the 2024 Highlights were written in random order. It did not in any way follow a pattern whatsoever.

In so doing, let me finish this 10-part synopsis with my daughter Eia’s return to Shakey’s. Yes, she did! But unfortunately, the branch in SM Southmall closed so even though SM MOA is farther, we had no choice but to transfer her there.

We had to pay ₱35 for the CAVITEX toll (₱70 for the 2-way trip) and ₱50 for the parking fee. Not to mention the cost of gasoline and the extra time allotted for the journey going there.

But why would I still consent for her to work in Shakey’s MOA given the unfavorable scenario?

It is because I love my daughter so much that I would move heaven and earth just for her to experience what living really means. I consider her work as part of her Occupational Therapy. And that makes everything else acceptable.

(This is the final part of my 2024 recap. Stay safe everyone! Thanks for bearing with me through all these years.)