Monday, July 22, 2024


 At 65, I conquered LUNETA TO TAGAYTAY 60km ULTRAMARATHON with the addition of YOGA in my training program. Initially, I was just there to bond with my only son, thinking that I was too old to practice yoga. But Coach Emy was patient enough to show mercy on me heheheh . . ,

In running, you get a different kind of high when you “fly” but after that, you endure the pains in your thighs, knees, legs and feet. The opposite is true with yoga. While doing the different poses, you endure the pains all over your body but after that, your whole body feels incredibly light and you sleep soundly through the night free from all cares in the world.

You wake up the following morning miraculously refreshed and rejuvenated. You notice you have become stronger and face the day’s activities with more ease. 

The day will come when I have to give up running races but I will definitely practice yoga for as long as I live. I have full trust and confidence in Coach Emy’s ability to devise a specialized FLOW SEQUENCE plan for pre-centenarians!

(Thanks for dropping by. You may chat with me via Messenger or reach me at Stay safe everyone!